Friday, April 20, 2012

Missed Opportunity

It occurred to me that the picture I should have included at the end of the last post was this one:

zack  jayme

Now that’s more like it.

Thanks to Bryce for his mad SKILLZ.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boys Being Boys… & I LOVE IT!

Bryce loves this show:

Recently, they had an episode where Adam and Jamie  (those guys ^ up there) were placed on a deserted island with an unlimited supply of duct tape and nothing more.  At the end of the episode, they made a canoe out of duct tape (see the last clip HERE).

Well, what should I see on the back porch the next day?


The engineers (Bryce & cousin Zack) hard at work making magic with duct tape, palm fronds & assorted items collected from the recycling bin.


Of course, then they needed to test it:


Pretty good, but how strong is it?  Let’s see if it will carry a 1 gallon container filled with water…


OR.  What about this ROCK


Um. No.  They mentioned trying to put a dog in it, but I nixed that idea too, much to Sparky’s relief.


SOOOO much better than playing video games.  I don’t even care that they used $20 worth of duct tape.  This is what boys should be doing on a beautiful spring day.