Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Conversation with God (or something like it)


  “So, um, Heavenly Father….I’ve been Young Women’s President for a few (like 4) years now… I’m a little tired and my son’s about to leave on his mission.  Don’t get me wrong, I have sooooo loved serving You in this way.  I love the Young Women like they are my own daughters.  I cry when they cry, I laugh when they laugh.  I have learned much and served well.  I am not perfect, no, not by a long shot, but maybe it’s time for someone else to have this honor?  My ideas are getting a little stale and they deserve better.  There are some great ladies I could even suggest.   It would be so very nice to have a little break and not be in charge.  Do you want to hear my list of places where I could serve?  I promise I will be a very good follower.”

Heavenly Father: 

“OK.  I call you to be the Stake Young Women’s President.”



Heavenly Father:




Heavenly Father:

“Dear [Lisa], I have your recent letter. I have only one suggestion: forget yourself and go to work.”

“Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8:35).

ok then. 


Unknown said...

hahahahahahahaha... btw, you were the best YW president i ever had - i'm sure the same goes for ever other YW you've served (and will serve). love you!

The Queen said...

Great, now I'm crying again.

I wish I could have seen Jamie when she heard.

Elder Akina's Mom said...

Oh my goodness you will do so great in this capacity! Who is the new ward YW President?

the organic kitchen said...

No rest for the wicked:)

The trick is to be mediocre at everything. You are just too good at magnifying your calling.