Movin’ in to the dorm…
Peacock and Spiker part deux (Tyler & Luke are the “new and improved” Justin & Patrick). Remember THIS? That was just yesterday.
Note how high the beds are. I’ve heard tell that one of them (who shall remain nameless) has only fallen out of bed once so far, and that’s when he was wide awake!
I just know those sheets are not gonna be changed all semester year. It is really hard to make that bed when it’s up that high.
Here they are imagining the sweet couch they will find at DI.
They live in a new dorm, this is only it’s second year open. Most of the other dorms are named for famous people in Church history, but this one has yet to be dedicated. It is known only as the generic “Building 9” or “J Hall”.
Of course, the boys that reside in this dorm have suggested a name….
Maybe we’ll just go with that for the time being.
We noticed that the dorm area comes alive after midnight. Two days ago these kids all had a curfew.
Tyler gets to look out his window every day and see these gorgeous mountains.
It was hard to say goodbye, but so much easier because we know what an amazing year he will have.