Classes are done. College plans are underway. It's all done except for tossing the cap in the air. It's been a busy few weeks as it all winds down. Earlier in the month we attended the senior recognition dinner for our stake (LDS youth in our area) where there was the dreaded (in Justin's mind anyway) mother-son dance...
I was feeling misty anyway, but I totally lost it when they recognized Trevor Matthews posthumously. Trevor died from cancer a little over two years ago and he would have graduated this year as well. We have known and loved his family for 12 years and he impacted all who knew him and many who didn't. We miss him.
Some friends stay with you throughout your life. We met the Hoskins family when we lived in Lakewood. We've always felt a kinship--our anniversaries are a day and a year apart and the first two kids were born within weeks of each other. We finally convinced them to follow us to Santa Clarita several years ago and Jeff and Leonard work together at Spectrolab. Our oldest sons were only four when they met and I'm sure they will also be lifelong friends. Here is their Kindergarten graduation picture:

Here is a recent picture of them at the Senior Recognition Dinner:
Wait a minute...
Here's the real story!
Jordon's graduation is tonight--Congratulations!
Clearly, I'm feeling very nostalgic. All of my recent posts include Now and Then pictures. I blame Dionne. Ever since she posted that retrospective on hair in the '80s I've been trying to replicate her brilliance. (Sorry, she's got a private blog so you might not be able to use that link...)