Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oprah’s Not the Only One With a Secret Sibling

Oprah made news yesterday with the fact that she had a secret sister.  Well, she’s not the only one harboring a secret!  There is a 4th Jonas brother.

Yes, that’s right, you’re hearing it here first…

He’s not deformed or anything, if that’s what you’re thinking.  In fact, he’s arguably the best looking one!  He’s got mad guitar and vocal skills too!  Maybe that’s why they don’t talk about him…he’s TOO good.

For the first time ever, pictures of Joshua Jonas, or “JJ” as he’s affectionately called by his family, are being released:

Joshua the 4th Jonas

Only recently have we been able to PIECE it all together…


Here’s JJ going incognito with the family he often hangs with…


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