You asked for it, you got it (ok, maybe just one person asked…) Here’s what we did over our summer vacation in 60 seconds or less…
Summer began on June 4th after school dismissed. Bryce went backpacking with his scout troop, Jeff went to Europe on business, and Tyler started football practice. Meanwhile I filled my schedule with contractors while we redid all the windows and painted the outside of the house (why is it so hard to pick out the right color?). Justin went to the gym:)
Tyler and I went to Big Bear for youth conference…

I went to Girls’ Camp at the beach…
It always cracks me up that all notions of what is considered appropriate attire is thrown out the window when you get a bunch of girls together for an extended period of time.
I left Girls Camp to go to the temple with Miss Cassie…
Returned to Girls Camp…

Left Girls Camp again to attend Cassie’s wedding (who, incidentally, has got to be the most photographed bride in history)…

I don’t really love this last picture because I look giant next to her. She is tiny, but obviously she’d taken her 4” heels off by this time. That girl likes her heels. I love that girl!
I got released as YW President and called as Stake YW President. (Just to keep things interesting)
And that concludes June.
In July, we started out by sneaking out to Rancho Mirage for some R&R with our friends the Hoskins. We had to celebrate the first 4-day weekend of summer football in 6 years!
It was hot and crowded (4th of July weekend). In fact the pool was so crowded at one point that you could have walked on bodies from one side to the other and never gotten wet. Made me wonder why I wasn’t spending more staycation time at my own pool. But then I remembered. At my house there’s the phone and tv and computer and all of “those people” who need something. When you’re away you give yourself more license to eat out, watch a movie, play a game, and just hang out. (And, we don’t have fluffy white robes at home.) It was well worth it!
The rest of July was Justin, Justin, Justin…
Open House/Fiesta:

Talk in Church:

(sneaked in a trip to Magic Mt. with the McGills-sh!)

Setting apart:

Off to Utah for more learning (Tyler was at EFY in Provo) gathering (“This is the Place”) and farewells:

Dropping at the MTC:
And crashing.
August has been a month of putting it all back together…
- Starting Justin’s blog—
- Fixing all the broken stuff (pool system, tires for 2 cars, water regulator, sprinkler system brain, whole house fan, more car stuff, our checkbook…yeesh!)
- Returning to school, returning to football (Bryce too), returning to Weight Watchers! (and all that those things imply)
- Starting a new project for work
- Doctor and dentist appointments
Oh and in the midst of it all, I had decided that I thought it worthwhile for Tyler to attend as much of his YM’s river rafting activity as possible, since he’d have to be back for football prior to their scheduled return. So we arranged for me to go pick him up about 30 hours after he left. It was only after he had already gone that I looked up HOW REALLY REALLY FAR AWAY this place is. 6.5 hours EACH WAY not including stops. Would have been a good thing to look up before. Thank goodness for cute Cassandra who consented to keep me company on the way. And, plus, she was much better at getting information/talking out of Tyler than I am. Bonus. OK, maybe it was worth it for just a few glimpses into that little black box we named Tyler. Wow that was a long long way.
So now you’re all caught up. I expect lots of comments (you know who you are! hehe).